iOS&machine learning
And the last but not least our speaker!
Krystian Malicki
BIO: Krystian has over 10 years experience in Software Engineering. He's been developing apps for iOS and Android since the beginning of the platforms. Originally a C++ developer, he also has a rich game development background.
Krystian is one of Tigerspike's Technical Leads and has been working for Tigerspike for more than 5 years in offices in London, Dubai and Wrocław."
Meet our second speaker :)
Josh Haagsma
BIO: Josh has over 13 years' engineering delivery experience, the majority of which has been specifically in digital project management. He has worked in small boutique digital agencies through to global media firms in project and programme management capacities.
Josh is now Head of Production for Tigerspike London where he and his team of project managers are responsible for the cross-discipline teams’ smooth and timely delivery of Tigerspike's portfolio of projects.
Meet our first speaker :)
One and only Piotr Kluska.
BIO: Software Engineer at intive. Always thriving to do better, to do more in constant development. With passion for iOS and machine learning explores ways to combine them.
Topic: Make your app (a bit) smarter
We will look at frameworks integrated in iOS and how they can be applied to integrate machine learning into our applications
Już dzisiaj zapraszamy do zapisów na nasz czerwcowy Tak jak ostatnio nie zabraknie mocno merytorycznych prezentacji i inspiracji :) Szczegóły juz niebawem.
Today we invite you to subscribe to our June Just like last time, there will be plenty of substantive presentations and inspirations :) Details are coming soon.