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#36 PyRa

#36 PyRa
Typ wydarzenia:
19.02.2019 (wtorek)
STX Next Poznań
ul. Morawskiego 12/5
Strona www:

Cześć we wtorek!

Za oknem pięknie sypie śnieg, a my mamy przyjemność ogłosić, że #36 PyRa odbędzie się 19/02 (wtorek) o godzinie 18:00 w siedzibie STX Next przy Morawskiego 12.

Czekają nas dwie świetne prelekcje, z czego jedna z nich prowadzona była podczas wydarzenia PyData Warsaw 2018

Tymczasem przedstawiamy Wam dwóch wspaniałych prelegentów naszego wydarzenia:

  • Łukasz Langa wystąpi z tematem Life is Better Painted Black, or: How to Stop Worrying and Embrace Auto-Formatting.

Krótki opis prelekcji: What good is a code style if it's not internally consistent? What good is a linter when it slows you down? What if you could out-source your worries about code formatting, adopt a consistent style, and make your team faster all at the same time?

Come hear about Black: a new code style and a tool that allows you to format your Python code automatically. In the talk you'll learn not only how the style looks like but why it is the way it is. I will do my best to convince you not only that it's good but that it's good enough. You'll see how you can integrate it with your current workflow and how it speeds up your life while making your code prettier on average.

Lose your attachments, delegate the boring job of moving tokens around to satisfy the linter, and save time for more important matters. Guaranteed to increase the life expectancy of space bars and Enter keys on your new MacBook's keyboard.

  • Sylwester Brzęczkowski zaprezentuje temat prosto z PyData Warsaw 2018 : Step by step face swap.

Krótki opis prelekcji: I will present how to implement a face swap. We will go step by step from simple “copy & paste” face on another image to fully functioning and nice looking face swap.


Some people think Computer Vision is magical... well it's not. It's just math, sweat and software engineering. In this talk, I will present how to implement a face swap. We will go step by step from simple “copy & paste” face on another image to fully functioning and nice looking face swap. Everything is backed with live examples right there on the stage. The talk will give you a general understanding of what kind of operations are performed under the hood of face swapping applications. You will know how these operations work and how exactly they improve the solution. The talk will resolve the following problems:

Face detection.

Facial landmarks detection.

Simulation of nonlinear image transformation using triangles warps.

Finding such triangles.

Blending 2 images together.

Video stabilization.

Razem z Łukaszem i Sylwestrem czekamy na Was przy Morawskiego w - miejmy nadzieję - pogodny lutowy wieczór Standardowo - zapraszamy Was na pizzę słodkie i słone przekąski, a także napoje alkoholowe i bezalkoholowe!

Do zobaczenia!

Więcej informacji: https://www.meetup.com/PyRa-Poznan-Python-Programmers/events/258090903/?isFirst...

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