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DP Tech Meetup - “Reliability is the King”

DP Tech Meetup - “Reliability is the King”
Typ wydarzenia:
22.05.2024 (środa)
Kolejowa 5/7
Strona www:

Hello Everyone!

Exciting news ahead! We're thrilled to announce the revival of our offsite meetups, and we couldn't be more delighted to extend a warm invitation to all of you for our upcoming event. This time, we'll be diving deep into the crucial topic of Reliability. Join us for what promises to be an enlightening and engaging discussion!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Join us on Wednesday, 22nd of May.


In our Warsaw office:

Kolejowa 5/7 (3rd floor)


Please, click "attend" if you want to take part in the event.


In this talk, we'll explore how to build an IDP to increase the productivity of the teams. We'll navigate through the different features that our platform needs to have to enable us to scale our organization one step further.

  • More about Manuel:

"SRE / Platform Engineer trying to always improve the Developer Experience and making our systems more reliable. Right now, I'm diving into AI to make our products even better. Outside of work, I love playing board games like Concordia and exploring new mountains whenever I get the chance".

"Every day we should be more careful with the information we handle.

Being affected by a leak can destroy our company's reputation

What risks do we have? Why should I be concerned about vulnerabilities?

What to analyze? Where to start? What do I need? (Spoiler: Not too much)"

  • More about Guillermo:

"Where to start? Security Engineer? SRE? DevOps? Developer? The truth is that right now I wouldn't know which buzz word defines me best. Really a little bit of all. In 2007 I participated in the creation of OSLUZ (Open Software Office of the University of Zaragoza) and in 2009 I began my career as a Java developer. Since then I have not stopped learning and promoting the use of Open software, when containers appeared they captured me and I started playing with them. I am currently working on putting into practice everything I have learned in my previous experiences".

This presentation will be about the situation when we finished an incident call, the problem has been fixed, and… exactly, what to do next?

We’ll go through post-incident actions that are crucial to ensure this problem will not happen again for the same reason, and how to learn from mistakes to make our engineering better. I am going to share with you our journey with improving that process through the last year.

  • More about Patryk:

"Software engineer working as an SRE, passionate about making things work better, and faster. Fanboy of the Theory of Constraints, and playing with database performance. Some time ago found a new hobby - running, and since then is struggling with managing the time between engineering and that kind of sport".

See you there!

Docplanner Tech team

Więcej informacji: https://www.meetup.com/DocPlanner-Tech/events/300919238/

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