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Dragon Valley Tech Talks #3 Blockchain

Dragon Valley Tech Talks #3 Blockchain
Typ wydarzenia:
13.06.2018 (środa)
polski , angielski
Aleja Pokoju 1a
Strona www:

Attention all Blockchain and Crypto enthusiasts!

Dragon Valley Tech Talks #3 Blockchain is announced!

13.06.2018 in Cracow (just one day before FIFA World Cup is starting) at 18.00 4 speakers will talk about Blockchain, Ethereum, Dapp, and the gaming industry using blockchain.

Anyone interested in this great technology is more than welcome to come. If you are programmer interested in working as a Blockchain developer it is an event for you! This will be a highly valuable opportunity for you to talk how to get into blockchain.

Join, learn, and enjoy!

  • Getting a grasp of blockchain

Marcin Gierlak - Solution Architect/Blockchain Engineer @nTitle

Marcin has a strong background in software engineering including cloud, mobile platforms, cryptography and security, system level programming, and systems development life cycle. He has experience in developing and implementing concepts and technologies for IoT, hands-on experience with Ethereum/Solidity, blockchain technologies, distributed ledger, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts.

Time: 40 min

In this blockchain crash course, we'll learn what blockchain really is, what's the idea behind it and how it impacts the technology space as the newest, pure innovation. We'll walk through the foundations of asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hashing, chains of data, consensus algorithms and other core primitives of this technology. We are going to investigate its weak points and also talk about blockchain adoption in the enterprise world.

  • Ethereum In Depth

Paweł Pinio - CTO @nTitle

Paweł is a senior software engineer with extensive experience in building fault tolerant back-end systems. He started his career as a full stack developer before moving to work on diagnostics and radiology information systems. He then moved into interdisciplinary consulting which allowed him to build transformative platforms. Paweł is a strong evangelist of distributed systems, blockchain and decentralization and a firm technical enthusiast of the Ethereum platform and community.

Time: 40 min

We are going to deep dive into the arguably most mature and battle-proven blockchain and smart contract platform - Ethereum, the world computer. From EVM, smart contracts engineering, consensus protocols to tools and frameworks, oracles and scalability; together we will attempt to define what Blockchain 2.0 really is.

  • How to DApp quick with the hybrid approach?

Szymon Bury - Front-end dev @nTitle

Szymon is a front-end developer, with significant experience in hybrid mobile development and well-grounded aspirations for full stack development. Recently he stepped into the world of digital ledgers, mastering techniques around React/Ionic/web3.js driven development of decentralized applications.

Time: 30 min

Done is better than perfect. Usually companies operate within well-defined funding constraints, often hiring web devs capable of covering all fields of software development including frontend, backend and mobile in a more efficient and consistent manner. In this lecture, Szymon will talk about blockchain-bound hybrid app development and walk the audience through his experience with rapid prototyping of Ethereum DApps.

  • Disrupting the gaming industry using blockchain

Bastien Hugon - Project Manager @nTitle, Operational Manager @Connaxis

Bastien's expertise surrounds management of Operations & Outsourcing services with his forte in Service Delivery and Account Management. With his versed skills in technology, Bastien develops and enables innovation services for CONNAXIS clients. His 10+ years prior experience ranges from QA, IT infrastructure and Service Delivery cooperating with companies like Schneider Electric, Merkle, Ford, L'Oreal, Nokia, bioMerieux, and HCL. He is a blockchain enthusiast since the early days of the technology and a seasoned crypto investor. Currently, project managing nTitle which is a next-gen, decentralized licensing platform on top of the Ethereum blockchain and also developing Blockchain Outsourcing services.

Time: 30min

nTitle is a powerful platform built on top of the Ethereum peer-to-peer network where game developers have full control over the sale of their games and in-game items and gamers actually own the games and in-game items they purchase along with the alienable right to lend, sell, or gift. It is designed from the ground up to give back control to both creators and consumers of digital products. We will start with gaming, but our aim is that it can also be used for other industries like books, music, video, enterprise software, documents, certificates and diplomas, all fueled by one of the most recognizable blockchain technologies to date.

Zapisy: https://dvtt3-blockchain.evenea.pl/

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