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Mobile Warsaw #88

Mobile Warsaw #88
Typ wydarzenia:
18.06.2024 (wtorek)
Znajomi Znajomych
ul. Wilcza 58a

18:45 — Tobiasz Dobrowolski: Press X to Start: Discovering Game Controller on iOS

With Apple focusing more and more on the gaming industry, we gain new developer tools that allow us to support game controllers like DualSense or DualShock. What's best, we are not limited to coding only games. Let's explore what magic is possible to achieve with these devices and how to control the user interface with them.

Tobiasz about himself:

Tobiasz is an iOS developer based in Wroclaw, working at Droids On Roids. Currently beginning his adventure with Kotlin Multiplatform. Outside of work, you can find him cycling, running, or skateboarding. With a love for designing and coding complex interfaces in SwiftUI, Tobiasz is all about making functional and enjoyable apps.

19:30 — Break

Enjoy free beverages!

19:50 — Krzysztof Zabłocki: The Art of Balanced Life

How can you balance work ambition with healthy and fulfilling life? I've spend my whole professional career focusing on optimising my work output and finances so that I can live the life I want, but my end-goal number would always go up each year, I only was able to drop my golden handcuffs after I spent more time looking into psychology literature and doing a few exercises that changed the way I think about money ad Financial Independence, the truth is we can live the life we want a lot sooner than we think, In this talk I'll share my tips and exercises you can perform to start living more fulfilling life without waiting another 10-20 years or killing yourself for money!

Krzysztof about himself:

Krzysztof is the author of more than 20 tools and frameworks like Sourcery, Inject, that has been adopted by over 80,000+ apps. His latest endeavor, https://swiftystack.com (https://swiftystack.com/), offers a transformative course for engineers seek

ing to perfect their craft.

20:30 — WWDC24 Insights by Piotr Jeremicz

Having the pleasure of participating in the Special Event during the Worldwide Developer Conference 2024, Piotr will share with you his highlights about this event. This year's Apple Keynote promises to be very interesting, and the discovered novelties will accompany us for the next year. What does the whole conference looks like in the very center - in Apple Park? Let’s see!


Just a week after WWDC we'll be coming to you with 2 great talks, and some insights from our "reporter" @ wwdc


Respond by Tuesday 3:00 PM if you want to attend the meetup!


As always, there’ll be free beverages (both alcoholic and soft drinks)


Event Partner Intent - www.withintent.com

Intent has over 10+ years of experience in helping to conceptualize, design and build apps for connected devices - they act as specialized think partners for products at the intersection of physical and digital, from net-new to products looking to enter a competitive and established niche. Their clients include Oura, BOSE, and McIntosh audio systems.


Eager to give a talk or a flash talk? Our CFP is always open! Submit your talk idea by filling out our form: https://forms.gle/CuscFPGvVi2C4tRF8


If you have any questions or just want to say hi, you can reach us at hello[at]mobilewarsaw[dot]pl.

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