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Natalia Bielczyk

Specjalizacja: Startup / e-biznes, social media, Zarządzanie projektami, QA/Testing, SEO/SEM, blogosfera, WordPress, Business Analysis, networking
My name is Natalia Bielczyk, and I’m a Computational Neuroscientist turned career &amp;amp;amp; business strategist. As a bootstrapping solopreneur, I’m building an online agency helping professionals and teams self-navigate the challenges of the AI era and subvert all expectations. I work as an educator, a researcher, a speaker, an author, a podcaster, and a blogger.

My academic journey took me through the College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Warsaw, Poland. There, I earned three MS titles: one in Physics, one in Mathematics, and another in Psychology. After that, I pursued my passion for Computational Neuroscience and completed my PhD at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

In 2018, I founded a public foundation called Stichting Solaris Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling. Its mission is to assist early career researchers in transitioning to rewarding careers in industry.

The following year, in 2019, I founded Ontology of Value®: a career incubator and accelerator, a fusion of R&amp;amp;amp;D, EdTech, and consulting. We delve into independent research on the ever-evolving job market. My team and I develop tools and practices that empower professionals to navigate the job market confidently and sculpt their dream careers. We also help businesses create harmonious and high-performing teams in this age of AI.

One of our flagship projects at Ontology of Value® is the Ontology of Value® Test. This robust aptitude test combines psychometrics and machine learning to help professionals and students uncover their competitive edge in the job market. It also guides teams towards synergy and elevated performance.
Despite my journey into the open job market, I'm still a researcher at heart. I firmly believe that science and entrepreneurship can coexist.

Furthermore, as a Polish person based in the Netherlands and an often visitor to the Bay Area, I also feel multicultural at this point and I am developing my mindset with an aim to learn and absorb the best elements of each culture.

Apart from my professional endeavors, I write books, manage a YouTube channel, and curate educational blogs. In my spare time, I document my personal journey over at nataliabielczyk.com / nataliabielczyk.substack.com.

I am always up for a discussion about career- and personal development! Please connect with me at linkedin.com/in/nataliabielczyk/.

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