#11 Spotkanie Gdańsk Embedded Meetup
- 18.00 Karol Kobiela - "Formal verification - you don't even need to know what it is to use it"
- 19.00 Przerwa na pizzę
- 19.20 Karol Zmysłowski - "Coreboot - czyli co zamiast BIOSu lub UEFI"
Kolejne spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 7 lutego o godzinie 18.00 w Sztuce Wyboru ul. Słowackiego 19, Gdańsk (Garnizon).
Prezentacja 1:
Tytuł: "Formal verification - you don't even need to know what it is to use it"
"Formal verification is often associated with large, safety critical systems, tremendous amount of paper work, and complex math formulas. Goal of this presentation is to show that this is not just an unpleasant requirement but can be an ordinary tool which will save us plenty of time on testing, bug-fixing and will reduce the amount of the product escape. It is a providence that watches over us and thinks many steps ahead"
O sobie:
"I'm a software engineer which gradually moved from pure embedded development to model based systems engineering. I have experience in fire suppression, HVAC and aerospace industry. Constantly looking for tools and technologies which will make my professional life easier"
Prezentacja 2:
Tytuł: "Coreboot - czyli co zamiast BIOSu lub UEFI"