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262. WJUG

262. WJUG
Event type:
10.12.2019 (tuesday)
Wydzial MIMUW
sala 4420) (Banacha 2
Strona www:
  • 18:00 - Networking
  • 18:30 - WJUG - Fruits of the Loom - Lightweight Concurrency for Java - Arkadiusz Gasinski

Serdecznie zapraszamy na 262. spotkanie, które odbędzie się 10. grudnia o godzinie 18:15 w sali 3180 na Wydziale MIMUW przy ulicy Banacha 2

Język prelekcji (Lecture language): Angielski/English

Opis prelekcji / About the talk:

It may be hard to believe, but Java’s been with us for almost 25 years now. Over this course of time a lot of cool features have been added to the language, yet the basic unit of concurrency at developers disposal remained unchanged: java.lang.Thread. It is in Java since day one, and while having such an abstraction was more than developers could have asked for in 1995, the same is not necessarily true given today’s applications landscape. As more businesses migrate their infrastructure off premises and to the cloud, efficient resource utilization is no longer a good-to-have, but rather a must-have feature and so for Java, to stay relevant and continue to be the #1 platform of choice for developers (and even more so for technical leaders) for the next 25 years, it must re-imagine the concept of Thread. The aim of this talk is to discuss, from the regular developer’s perspective, the efforts initiated over 2 years ago in OpenJDK’s project Loom to “make concurrency in Java great again”. It will cover 3 fundamental concepts that are being currently explored, namely Continuations, Fibers and Structured Concurrency.

O prelegencie/About the speaker:

Java/JVM languages enthusiast. Spent biggest portion of my software development career so far doing telco systems integration using Java EE stack. Some time ago I switched industries and right now I’m helping financial institutions deliver business value fast and in a safe way.


WJUG rozpoczął kampanię #call4people, w nadziei do zachęcenia uczestników do zgłaszania nowych prezentacji. Formularz zgłoszeniowy jest dostępny pod adresem https://warszawajug.typeform.com/to/L5ydtp . Jeżeli potrzebujecie pomocy lub konsultacji - odezwijcie się do jednego z organizatorów podczas spotkania. Bardzo chętnie wam pomogą.

Participants (1):

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