CocoaHeads Lodz #29
- 18:00 Krzysztof Siejkowski - “Containers in Swift and how to work with them”
- 18:45 przerwa
- 19:00 Mateusz Szklarek - “MVVM as good (anti)pattern in iOS”
- 19:45 Networking & pizza
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Najbliższe spotkanie już w przyszłym tygodniu 17 Kwietnia godzina 18:00, spotykamy się w biurze Five.Twelve, Gdańska 91, budynek A, drugie piętro.
Krzysztof Siejkowski
about him: Krzysztof works as the iOS developer at Demant Technology Center. He’s a fan of the elegant abstractions that help him easily reason about the code he writes. He also really likes to understand how the tools he uses work internally.
title: What does Optional, Array, Result and Observable have in common? Why was Array’s ‘flatMap’ changed to ’compactMap’? Can you zip Results? What is ‘sequence’ function? This talks will answer these questions and explain the mental model of containers that’s behind various widely-used Swift types. Once you see how they relate to each other, we’ll explore what you can do with them and how to handle the issues that arive when you model your code in a container fashion.
Mateusz Szklarek
about him: Mateusz works as an iOS developer at EL Passion for more than 4 years. He created several mobile applications in Objective-C & Swift from scratch. Big fan of unit testing in PRACTICE and believes that “each line of code matters”. Lately worked as Flutter developer.
title: Nowadays there are a lot of materials, presentations & talks about how great MVVM architecture is. Hype about the view models look like a never ending story. There are a lot of developers who like this approach and use it in their own projects. I tried to go against the grain and show a different perspective of MVVM. I also try to answer questions like: Do we really need it? Does it solves any particular problem or is it overkill?