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Codete Web Talks: Know your E-Commerce Audience

Codete Web Talks: Know your E-Commerce Audience
Typ wydarzenia:
26.05.2020 (wtorek) - 27.05.2020 (środa)

CodeteSIBB & IE University are pleased to invite you to next webinar:

Codete Web Talks: Know your E-Commerce Audience.

From mass segmentation to hyper-personalization

date: 26/05/2020

time: 5:30 pm

with David Barrero Gonzalez

MMaster in Data Science and Statistic by MIT

Master in Computer Science and Business Technology at IE Business School

Msc in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at Superior Technical School of Architecture (Seville)

The agenda:

I will lead a journey with the audience to travel from understanding familiar concepts such as segmentation, following clustering as next step and ending up with hyper-personalization. Through this journey I will talk why we need to change the way we segment clients, especially attending to customer behaviors and how AI technology is playing a key role to drive this transformation. At this point, I will dive in a bit more to understand how clustering algorithm works. I will try to offer something easy to understand what is the “magic” behind. Finally, we will end up with hyper-personalization as the next step to go ahead. By the end, I will open a discussion especially focus on hyper-personalization since it is a trendy topic nowadays.

Take aways from the session:

1. Understanding the evolution and business needs of targeting customers correctly

2. Interpreting how clusters work and why they are important

3. Getting an update about what are the trends behind hyper-personalization

4. The role of AI will be the concept that link all the ideas since it is the enabler of the evolution

Targeted audiences:

No technical profiles with business background willing to learn new concepts to know their clients

Mid technical profiles that want to have a mix view from business requirements to practical use case

Although the presentation will not be very technical to get to broader audiences, it will be interesting for those people that want to see the business goals after some machine learning implementations.

Join us! If you have any questions, contact: [email protected]

Hope to see you soon!


Codete GmbH


IE University

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