- 18:00-18:30 — networking in the loft
- 18:30-18:50 — "Mutation Testing" [EN] by Igor Gajowiak
- 18:50-19:15 — beer & pizza time!
- 19:15-20:00 — "Focus and distractions at the typical IT space and how to cope with them" by Piotr Nabielec
- 20:00-00:00 — keep networking!
Welcome to our second edition of kraków.assert()! Save the date for this long-awaited event which will feature two talks from our amazing speakers, Piotr Nabielec and Igor Gajowiak:
- If you always feel distracted and have problems with focusing on the goals, Piotr will share his experience and tricks to help you out!
- Do you rely on your index coverage too much? Igor will present the ways how we use Mutation testing at Chatham to make sure that we don't have tests just for the sake of the good number in the test coverage report.
See the detailed agenda below!
1. [EN] "Mutation Testing" by Igor Gajowiak
Testing is a crucial part of every software development process. But how do we know that our test suite is good enough, how do we measure it? The very popular discriminator is the code coverage index. Is it an accurate method to measure it? During this presentation, I'll share a concept of mutation testing, which is another way of measuring the strength of a test suite. I'll present its advantages as well as disadvantages, and situations where mutation testing could be a cure for overfitted code coverage index.
Igor is a back-end software engineer in Chatham Financial. He graduated bachelor's in computer science in Wrocław and currently is pursuing master's degree, also in Wrocław. He's in love with neural networks and well-designed code.
2. "Focus and distractions at the typical IT space and how to cope with them" by Piotr Nabielec
Every sprint we deliver software which satisfies our customers’ needs, which has a value for them. But software which we have written during the sprint has one more client, who will be not only using it but also reading, trying to understand, changing by adding new features or fixing bugs. Yes, this client is every one of us. In this talk, I will share my experiences about taking care of delivering not only business value to a client who is paying for our software but also non-business value to everyone who will work with this software in the future.
Piotr helps people organize chaos, stop procrastinating and find the time for hobby and dreams. For the last 4 years, he leads with online and offline courses, webinars and blog. Before that he spent 10 years as a software developer and manager in IT. He loves practical hints and solutions and is a fan of the Slow movement. TEDx speaker. As a hobby, he plays drums and guitar, travel and does various kind of sports.
Pizza and beer will be provided at the event.
If you use a car to get to our place, there is a parking available in Galeria Kaziemerz, just next to us.
Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout this event. We may use it to share the content in social media. Let us know if you have any concerns!