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Meetup at Techies: Challenges of the modern frontend

17.05.2022 (wtorek)
Techie's by Codete
Na Zjeździe 11, 30-527 Kraków

"Meetup at Techies" is a cyclical event organized by Codete at Techies resto-bar (Cracow Podgórze, Na Zjeździe 11 street).

On 17.05 we're inviting you to join Challenges of the modern frontend meetup.

During the event we'll be talking about:

- measuring your website performance with Core Web Vitals

- advanced TypeScript for people in a hurry

May Meetup at Techie's will let us look at the most common tasks faced by the mid & senior frontend developers. You will have a chance to get to know more about improving your everyday work. Our guests will also give you a few useful tips that can boost every project.

Meetup will be held in English.


During Challenges of the modern frontend meetup there will be 2 speakers from Codete:

Krzysztof Bezrąk - Software engineer for almost 7 years. Most of the time, he does frontend development in React, but he also likes to jump on the backend, mobile dev, or DevOps stuff from time to time. In his private life, he's a happy husband, Depeche Mode fan, travel enthusiast, and the one who is "hacking" any hardware that surrounds him.

Bartosz Szewczyk - Frontend developer with a passion for simple solutions to non-trivial problems. Fan of improving work tools and reading other people's code. Privately, a runner and tap dancer. After hours, he creates simple 2D games using the Unity engine.

Each of the speakers will be talking about frontend developers' work and their most challenging tasks.


Krzysztof Bezrąk - Start measuring your website performance with Core Web Vitals

Krzysztof will tell us why frontend performance matters and what Core Web Vitals really are. He'll also show some tools which help measure and maintain performance and explain how to use them.

Bartosz Szewczyk - Advanced TypeScript for people in a hurry

Do you want to see a set of features that could have easily escaped the programmer? Are you curious about what makes the code even clearer? Book a seat for this presentation!

WHEN: 17.05.2022 (Tuesday)

WHERE: Techies by Codete, Na Zjeździe 11 street, Cracow

LANGUAGE: Meetup will be launched in English

SIGN UP: https://app.evenea.pl/event/modern-frontend-codete-techies/?source=crossweb

for free - (one beer for free as well!)

See you!

Any questions? Contact us:

Email[email protected]

Follow us: Techies space || Codete

Zapisy: https://app.evenea.pl/event/modern-frontend-codete-techies/?source=crossweb
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