Pitch! How to prepare your project for promotion and present it to investors
What to expect?
• Super useful information about on how to prepare your startup for promotion and present it to investors from a speaker from Germany (Berlin)
• Practice your pitches, quick presentations with feedback
• Networking
Speaker: Nikolaus Haufler
• Founder of the insurance startup Wetterheld, total investment amount $400k
• Previously: Deloitte and Ernst & Young manager, Hamburg state deputy, total corporate business experience - 11 years, of which 7 in management
• Traveler, sailor, partygoer
Preparing for the presentation. Get investors and partners for your project!
1. WHERE do the people I need to connect with reside?
2. HOW can I initiate communication with them?
3. BUSINESS IDEA: how to present it to investors and partners?
4. CONTRACTS: How to structure and secure your project?
5. COLLABORATION: how can I work successfully with investors and partners without stress and nerves, with complete mutual understanding?