Poznań Elixir Meetup #9
We are planning to organize 9th Elixir meetup in Poznań after summer break! Our plan is to have three interesting presentations, but also have some time to grab a beer and pizza, meet people and talk about Elixir programming language.
Venue open at 6:00
Start of first presentation 6:15
Each presentation will take 30-40 minutes.
- #1 Presentation
Design patterns in Elixir - Krzysztof Kempiński
Design patterns are most often associated with the world of object-oriented programming. However, some of them can be successfully transferred to functional languages. I will present few most common design patterns in Elixir with examples of use.
Bio: Krzysztof Kempiński - Internet and IT specialist with 14+ years of experience with web and mobile applications development, management of teams and projects. Ruby on Rails / Elixir / iOS developer. Podcaster at "Porozmawiajmy o IT". Top 5 CliftonStrenghts: Harmony, Achiever, Maximizer, Intellection, Competition. Certified Scrum Master. Personally father and husband passionate in achieving goals and learning new things.
- #2 Presentation
Elixir - beyond request-response cycle - Robert Szczygieł
Developers nowadays have to deal with many non-trival problems which go far beyond CRUD. Having to meet high expectations from clients, as well software companies we work for, Elixir is perfect tool which addresses both issues, handling them like a Pro. In my talk I am going to talk about high standard solutions to background jobs.
- #3 Presentation
To be announced