[WRO] 24 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group Poland we Wrocławiu

Start: 18:00
18:00 – 18:15 - Powitanie (Piotr Rogala & Michał Jankowski)
18.15 – 19:00 - How to improve your environment for the infrastructure development? (Piotr Wachulec)
19:05 – 19:50 - Azure Landing Zone test environment - do it yourself (Mateusz Ochęcki)
Po sesjach networking w świetnym towarzystwie ekspertów!
Serdecznie zapraszamy na 24 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group Poland we Wrocławiu, które odbędzie się 27 Lutego we Wtorek!
Miejsce spotkania: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8B, Wrocław
W trybie ciągłym zachęcamy do zgłaszania swoich wystąpień na kolejnych meetupach. CFP jest dostępne tutaj https://sessionize.com/AzureWroclawMeetups
Dziękujemy za wsparcie:
- Objectivity
- Feitian
Rozwinięcie opisów sesji i o prelegentach:
Sesja: How to improve your environment for the infrastructure development?
Opis: How to become 10x developer for the infrastructure development? In this presentation you will get to know how you can setup your local environment to improve the development experience while infrastructure creation. We will go through nice tools and build the complete landscape to make the process easier and faster.
Piotr Wachulec (Senior Cloud Architect, Nordcloud)
Cloud Architect, Blogger, Consultant supporting clients in implementing solutions based on the public cloud. Passionate about system and process architecture and automation. He loves taking part in conferences and sharing his knowledge with others. On a daily basis, he is involved with Microsoft technologies (Azure / .NET). Outside of work, you can find him either preparing coffee or at the dance hall, developing his bachata skills.
Sesja: Azure Landing Zone test environment - do it yourself
Opis: The Cloud Adoption Framework describes Microsoft's recommendations for building Azure Landing Zone on an enterprise scale. It defines a complex, scalable and modular architecture that requires significant financial outlays. However, we can use and adapt some of the rules to create our own Landing Zone on a micro scale, which will not burden our wallet. Such a Micro-Landing Zone can serve as a solid foundation for testing various functionalities and resources, as well as for preparing for exams such as Azure Administrator, Network Engineer or Security Engineer.
During the presentation, I will show you how to build a laboratory Azure Landing Zone using a small budget, one subscription and limited resources. We will focus on a minimal set of services and configurations to create a functional environment for experimenting and learning.
Mateusz Ochęcki (Senior Cloud Architect, Nordcloud)
Mateusz is a Cloud Expert and Software Architect with more than 12 years of experience in crafting and executing solutions utilizing the Microsoft stack. Being a fervent advocate of technology, they embarked on their Azure journey in 2013, delving into the exploration and creation of pioneering cloud-native projects. Ever since, their curiosity has been piqued by all guys of the cloud, with a particular focus on PaaS/Serverless services, as well as management & governance.
At present, they are actively engaged in assisting clients with cloud architecture and solutions, facilitating migrations, integrations, automation, and process optimization. Their expertise extends to encompass DevOps, CI/CD practices, monitoring, alerting mechanisms, and security implementations.
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