Wro.cpp #31

Nasze kolejne spotkanie odbędzie się w środę 25. Września! Spotkanie odbędzie się online więc zapraszamy do oglądania na naszym kanale YouTube.
Spotkanie standardowo rozpoczniemy od godziny 18:00. Po około 15 minutach wprowadzenia rozpoczną się prezentacje.
Przedstawiamy Wam tematy najbliższych prezentacji oraz prelegentów.
1. Michał Łoś - "I write code differently than you"
Sometimes, you have all the pieces in front of you, but you cannot do them perfectly or never make them all simultaneously. I couldn't figure out those pieces correctly for over ten years of my career. I want to share my experiences with creating and changing the code, which I started to learn about two years ago, which made me, to my surprise, a better developer. I started to call that "software transformation workflow", and it involves bit-specific VCS usage, picky code review, and more.
BIO: I am a software developer with over 15 years of experience. I am a C++ nerd, an admirer of functional programming, and a Linux praiser.
2. Filip Sajdak - "Starting and Stopping: Exploring the Entry and Exit Options in C++"
Ever thought about the different ways you can kick off or halt your C++ programs? Let's dive into the variety of options available for starting and stopping your code execution in C++, giving you greater control and flexibility in your programming. In this talk, we will focus on:
- alternative entry points,
- program initialization,
- various exit strategies,
- control flow techniques.
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to C++, this session will equip you with practical knowledge on managing your program’s lifecycle. Enhance your coding toolkit by mastering the art of starting and stopping your applications with precision.
BIO: I am organizer of C++. I try to support cppfront development in is()/as() functionalities. On my daily job I am working on technical strategy for various technologies, engineering practices, and competence development. I love to share what I have learned and I will share on this and next Wro.cpp meetings.
Do zobaczenia,
Grupa Wro.cpp
#cpp #moderncpp #cpp20 #spaceshipoperator #c23
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* Adam Badura,