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Qwik Warsaw Launch with Miško Hevery (creator of Qwik & Angular)

Qwik Warsaw Launch with Miško Hevery (creator of Qwik & Angular)
Typ wydarzenia:
29.05.2023 (poniedziałek)
7N Warsaw Office
ul. Puławska 182
Strona www:

We posted this on the Angular group because it's about a very special guest!

Hey, peeps! Welcome to the Qwik Warsaw meetup crew!

Qwik, it's like a beast among the frameworks, let's you build instantly-interactive web apps at scale without breaking a sweat.

We're super stoked to drop our first edition, and for this bomb launch, we've scored a special VIP: Miško Hevery, the CTO of Builder.io and the OG of Qwik and Angular, will be crashing with us in person.

And get this, guys - during the ~2hour masterclass, you'll get to uncover the full potential of Qwik, as well as practical hacks on how to best put it to use. This ain't just about theories, we're talking about real-deal, hands-on, can-actually-use-this-tomorrow type of stuff. Miško's gonna take you from zero to hero, making sure you leave with mad Qwik skills that'll give you a serious edge. Don't miss it!

A slice more about Miško Hevery:

As CTO, Miško is the mastermind behind the tech that fuels the Builder.io apps and software. Before jumping onto the Builder.io ship, he cooked up Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS, and also was the co-creator of Karma. At Google, he was all about boosting the testing culture and then pivoted to focus on pimping up the web.

Miško kickstarted his career designing digital circuits, then switched to databases, full-stack development, and finally front-end frameworks, giving him a unique lens on things. He's got all the layers from the web down to a transistor under his belt. Apart from Google, he flexed his tech muscles at Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems.

He's got an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University under his cap.

If you're all about web development and web performance, you've found your tribe!

We're stoked to meet you all and vibe together! The meetup will be in the new digs of our friendly company 7N. See ya there!

Więcej informacji: https://www.meetup.com/angular-warsaw/events/293629877/

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